The true magic of Whooo's Reading happens in student accounts. That is why we strongly recommend that you explore the demo student account that is available on your Roster page.
From the Roster page, find the student that says "Demo Student" next to the student name, expand the student information, and click Switch to Demo in the bottom right to be directed to the student experience.
If you do not see a demo student on your roster, you can add one by scrolling to the bottom of a class list and clicking the Add a Demo Student button:
Once you are in your demo student account, the first step is to choose an activity:
In Starter, you can take a Quiz, answer Practice Questions, do Question Builders, and leave Reviews.
In Silver, additionally you can Log Reading Minutes.
In Gold, you can also complete Exercises.
When you choose an activity, a search bar will appear where you can find what you read.
If you can't find what you've read, in our database, you can always add it!
Teacher-assigned titles/tasks appear on the right/main part of the student Dashboard when such assignments exist (moving Goals to the left). Here's an example of a title assigned to a student:
Learn more about assigning specific titles and tasks to students here.
In the Demo Student Account you can also explore the Owl Shop to see the motivation behind those cute owls that represent each student.
Once you have finished exploring the demo student account, you can return to your teacher account by clicking the link at the top that says Return to Teacher Account. Any work you completed in your demo student account will then display on your Teacher Dashboard and Data page.