Teachers typically want students to read material that is within their Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). A student's ZPD is based on their reading level, which is usually assessed on programs outside of Whooo's Reading and then either manually added by the teacher, or set as a default based on the student's grade level. On Whooo's Reading, the ZPD ranges from 100 Lexile points below a student's reading level to 50 Lexile points above their reading level.
To customize rules around what students read and get credit for on Whooo's Reading, teachers can use the ZPD settings, located on the Settings page under Reading Levels:
Don't Exclude & Don't Show ZPD Icons - Students won't see the levels of the books they are reading, and they can read whatever they want and the activities they do on any books will earn them coins and count towards their Goals.
Don't Exclude & Show ZPD Icons - Students will see icons showing if books are at, above, or below their reading level, but any book they choose will still count toward Goals and earn them coins.
Exclude & Show ZPD Icons - Students will see if books are at, above, or below their reading level, and only work completed for books at or above their level will count toward Goals and earn them coins. Students will see a message when the select the book letting them know that it will not count toward their Goals.
Note: Books for which the program does not have reading level data will automatically be excluded from goals if the setting to "Exclude & Show ZPD Icons" is enabled. You can manually include these texted in Goals via your Data page under the Edit tab on the completed assignment.