First make sure your school has a school org and Whooo's Reading admin account. If there is not someone at your school with a Whooo's Reading admin account, you can request an admin account here.
Make sure that the teacher you want to add or move a student to already has an account on Whooo's Reading, and is a part of your school org. If they are not, you can send your co-teacher a teacher activation code through an admin account.
After the co-teacher has applied their teacher activation code, navigate to your Roster page in your teacher account.
Teachers and admins can place a student in more than one class. To do this, go to your Roster page and locate the student. Click the Edit Student link beneath the student, then find the Class Name drop-down on the left:
Using that drop-down, click normally on a class to set that class as the student's primary class. Hold the shift key and click a class to assign a secondary class. Simply click or shift-click a class again to remove the student from that class (note that the student must have a primary class assigned).
A solid star icon indicates the student's primary class, while a star outline icon indicates a secondary class. The student will see class-wide information for their primary class when they log in, such as on the Class Tree and Class Shelf.
As an admin, you can add multiple teachers to a class. To do this, go to your Roster page and locate the class. Click to expand the class, then click the Edit Class link and find the Teachers drop-down on the left:
Using that drop-down, click normally on a teacher to set that teacher as the class's primary teacher. Hold the shift key and click a teacher to assign a secondary teacher to that class. Simply click or shift-click a teacher again to remove the teacher from that class (note that the class must have a primary teacher assigned).
A solid star icon indicates the class's primary teacher, while a star outline icon indicates a secondary teacher on that class. Both teachers will be able to adjust goals, assign tasks, and customize settings for that class and its students. The primary teacher's account-wide settings and upgrade status will apply to the class and students.