In light of Whooo’s Reading being free for the 2024-25 school year, our small team is unable to offer live Zoom-based professional development training, as we are focusing this year on developing the product.
We know how important training is, which is why we have created this “Asynchronous Professional Development and Whooo’s Reading Training Guide.”
This guide is organized based on the most common questions receive during live trainings. These questions are answered via videos and help center articles. Also, check out our quick-start guide.
Question 1: What is Whooo’s Reading? (A very important question!)
If you're looking for a brief and pretty-to-look-at explanation of what Whooo's Reading is all about, this is the video for you:
Length: 2 minutes
If you want a medium-detailed overview video showing the actual website from a teacher’s perspective, give this one a watch: If you only watch one video, this would be the one to watch!!
Length: 6 minutes
^^^ If you watch only one video, this is the one to watch!!
Question 2: How are quizzes scored?
Whooo’s Reading offers a balanced comprehension quiz for any book. However, since our method involves both Depth of Knowledge (DOK) 1 fill-in-the-blank questions, as well as DOK 2-3 open-ended questions, educators are often curious how our quizzes are scored. This video explains how our automatic quiz scoring technology measures comprehension using artificial intelligence:
Length: 5 minutes
Question 3: How can I monitor who is comprehending their reading?
Whooo’s Reading provides several reports that empower educators so you know which students are on track to meet their reading (and writing) goals, details on each quiz completed, strength and weakness trends, and much more. This video focuses on the three most commonly used reports on Whooo’s Reading: 1) Goals Report, 2) Quiz Report, 3) Student Report:
Length: 3 minutes
Question 4: How do I know if students are reading books at their level?
We are often asked by educators if there are any tools on Whooo’s Reading to ensure books students are reading are at their level, or in their Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD).
In your teacher settings, you can customize whether or not you want students to get credit only for reading material that is within their ZPD (or above), or get credit for any book at any level. This short video gives you a tour of these ZPD settings (Note: The "Reading Level Diagnostic" tool shown in this video has been discontinued):
Length: 4 minutes
Question 5: How do I add co-teachers to my class?
Educators often collaborate with others, making it important that multiple teachers can access a class. Whooo’s Reading has the tools to make that easy to set up. This video shows how admins can add co-teachers to a class:
Length: 2 minutes
Question 7: How do I roster my students?
Okay, this is definitely the most common question (for good reason)! First, note (and this note is mentioned an obnoxious amount of times in the video, sorry!): Please ensure that you use the same rostering method as other teachers in your school. If teachers within a school roster students using different methods, there is a risk of having duplicate student accounts (or other messy side effects). Admins can set a rostering method for everyone (but not all admins do this).
This video explains the different rostering methods. If you get stuck or need help, please reach out, and we’d be happy to help you!
Length: 3 minutes
Question 8: You have answered all of my questions, but I really want a 45-minute training video, just to make sure I really understand how the program works in greater detail.... :)
Consider today your lucky day! Here is your 45-minute walkthrough video:
Since we understand that you might not want to watch a 45-minute video, you can use the time-stamped guide below to skip to sections most relevant to you (these timestamps are also included in the video):
Introductory Slides
0:00 - 2:20: What is Whooo’s Reading?
2:21 5:17: Quizzes: our core feature and how they work
5:18 - 7:36: Data and reports overview
7:37 - 9:00: Intervention exercises
9:01- 9:57: Supplemental activities
Setting Goals
11:06 -12:46 Explore the teacher dashboard
16:17 19:29: How to set goals and expectations for your students
19:30 - 21:46: How to differentiate the program for your students
Student Experience
21:47- 22:04: How to access your demo student account
22:04 - 2:23: Student dashboard explained
22:24 - 28:16: Taking a quiz
28:16 -30:28: How students view their past work
30:29 - 33:40: Explore fun social and gamification parts of Whooo’s Reading
33:40-34:36: How the book search works
Viewing your students’ work
34:37 -36:08 How to view your students’ work
36:08- 38:55 How to change/edit scores, request revisions, and leave feedback
39:5- 41:28 Ensuring students are reading books at the right Lexile Level (ZPD)
41:28 - 42:02: View your students’ progress toward goals you set
42:02 - How to export and print data
42:18 - 44:11: Historical data and learning progress
44:11 - 45:36: Schoolwide reading challenges
Conclusion and next steps
45:37 - 47:37: Whooo’s Reading’s impact
47:37- END Next steps on getting set up