If you have a student who is not following directions or is misusing Whooo's Reading, you have a few options to discourage negative behavior or encourage positive behavior:
To lock a student out of Whooo's Reading entirely:
Note: This will not work for students who use Clever or Google to login, as they will still be able to log in with that method.
Go to your Roster page, locate and click on the student, then change their username and/or password. You can add something like an x or a - to the end of one of them. When you're ready for the student to be able to access WR again, simply edit the login information back to what it was before.
To lock a student out of the Owl Shop:
Go to your Roster page, locate and click on the student, then select "close permanently" under the Owl Shop setting. You can change this back whenever you'd like to give Owl Shop access back to the student:
Note: You can lock a whole class out of the Owl Shop by locating and clicking on the class, then clicking Edit Class. That Owl Shop drop-down will apply to your whole class. There are also settings for your entire account under Settings.
To address cheating on quizzes:
You can turn off quizzes so students are only allowed to work on them during supervised school hours. This setting is located directly underneath the Owl Shop hours:
To reward the positive behavior of students in hopes of turning misbehaving students around:
You can award extra coins to students who are doing a great job. To do this, go to your Roster page and select students using the checkboxes by their owls. Then click Award Coins at the bottom of the page, choose an amount of coins and type in a reason for the coin reward:
It's also important for students to know that they receive more coins for quality answers and by listening to Owlfonso's feedback tips than they do for poor answers, even if they complete many quizzes. See more about how coins are awarded here.
Quizzes and Practice Questions where copy/pasting or keyboard mashing is suspected are separately sorted into a Flagged category on your Teacher Dashboard and Data page for you to address. See more on how to Edit a Quiz Score.