Question Builders are metacognition exercises where students can create their own fill-in-the-blank questions like the ones they see on Quizzes in Whooo's Reading. Question Builders help students think about how they would answer fill-in-the-blank reading comprehension questions, and what they judge to be the most important parts of a book.
Students can write Question Builders for any text, just like they can for Quizzes, Reviews, and Practice Questions.
First a student writes a sentence that contains a fact from the book.
Next they choose a word that they want to be the blank in the sentence that someone would be quizzed on.
Finally, they add any synonyms for the "answer" word they blanked out.
We encourage students to really take their time on Question Builder exercises; writing a great fill-in-the-blank question is harder than you think! Exemplary student-created Question Builders may be featured on Whooo's Reading as actual fill-in-the-blank questions for their respective books!
Teachers can assign Question Builders as part of Customized Goals for their students.