Note: If you are a teacher on a school or district account, the methods shown may be limited by your admin.
To get your students using Whooo's Reading, you first need to add them to your Roster.
Click Roster in the upper right of your account. On the Roster page, click the Add Students link in the top right:
Or you can click the Add Students button under the correct class (see Add Classes):
Choose your method of adding students, each explained below:
Sync Clever Account: The best option if you have a Clever account. This allows you and your students to log in with Clever SSO (see Clever).
Sync Google Classroom: The best option if you have a Google Classroom account. This allows you and your students to log in with Google SSO (see Google Classroom).
Upload a roster file: A good option if you have a CSV or Excel file. This method allows you to specify your students' usernames and passwords, rather than login information being randomly generated for them. Upload a correctly-formatted CSV or Excel file that includes each student's first name, last name (or initial), grade level, and class/period name. Optionally include username, password, and parent email (see the instructions within the "upload a roster file" method in your account).
Type names manually: A good option for small groups of students or if you have a list of names you can copy and paste. Type or copy/paste your students' names into the box below the correct class. Separate names by commas or put each name of a new line, verify the grade level, and click the Add Students button.
Usernames and passwords will be automatically generated for your students, and you will need to give them a Login Packet.
Hand out a class code: A good option if you want your students to create their own accounts (see Class Codes).
Separate classes will display separately on your dashboard, data page, and class shelves, and students within each class will see only the students in their class on the Class Shelf and Class Tree.
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