To access your students' login information, you first need to add your students. To learn how to add your students, see Add Classes and Add Students.
To access your students' usernames and passwords, go to your Roster page. Here you can access one, some, or all of your students' usernames and passwords.
Note: Login Information is not needed if you used Google Classroom or Clever to add your students. For help logging in with these services, see Google Classroom or Clever.
To access or edit one student's login information, expand the appropriate class, then locate and click on the student:
Click "Show" next to the password to display the student's password. You can then highlight the username and password and copy it in order to share it with your student:
To access some or all students' username and passwords, select the students by clicking the Select Class or Select All checkboxes, or click the checkboxes next to specific students' owls.
Then click the Login Information link at the bottom of the screen:
On the window that appears, you can copy and paste the login information, print login cards by clicking the Print login cards link, or edit usernames or passwords by clicking on them:
You can also click the Add Parent Emails link to involve parents, which will allow you to then email student login information directly to parents (learn more here).
Login cards will open a new window as a printable PDF. You can print the PDF pages, cut apart the individual login cards, and hand them out to your students.
A tip from a Whooo's Reading teacher: Have your students glue or tape their login card to an index card or their reading journal for safekeeping.
Please note: Printing may not be supported in Firefox. We recommend using Google Chrome or Safari.